Victory Gardens: #ThankfulThursday
My husband is an observer, or a five on the Enneagram. He loves research, and ever since China had its first cases of COVID 19, he has been studying what we need to do to #flattenthecurve. There are days when I’ve had enough of COVID 19 data, but then I realize why my hubby is so focused on the stats: he loves me and wants to protect our family.
A couple of weeks ago, he started hearing rumblings of an impending food shortage, and now those rumblings have become echoes of a famine of Biblical proportions. Sure, these may be fear based news stories, but my husband’s research was on point with COVID 19, so I’m going to trust his gut on this one, too. #JustSaying…
Needless to say, we have planted a victory garden. I’m not sure if we will have success with our little plant babies or not, but it was a satisfying experience, all the same. We made planter boxes out of old pallets and cinder blocks we had from previous projects. With a little hard work, and loads of sweat, the fruit of our labor flourished.
Our backyard now has a suburban garden. Hopefully, we will yield a large harvest, so we can share our soil-filled successes with our neighbors, family, and friends. Whether there is a famine or not, I love the idea of being self-sustainable. Only time will tell.
As images of bustling basil plants and enormous eggplants fill my mind, it is well with my soul. My little garden gives me joy, and in these endless days of social distancing, I’ll take all joy I can get.
Little Sprout, Little Sprout, what are they feeding you? Little Sprout, Little Sprout, soak up the sun.
Herb… I think I shall dub thee, HERBert.